David B

MuMind (David B)

Basic website i18n

I recently developed a little obsession with adding basic i18n to this site, to make it a little more nicely ergonomic for viewing in Spanish as well as English. I started out in search of some simple i18n helpers I could use, but hit some limitations I didnā€˜t love and decided to try reinventing the wheel.

I really wanted the one URL https://mumind.me/ to show content in whichever preferred language in-place, not to send Spanish-speaking users to an alternate es.mumind.me/ or mumind.me/es/, but all the tools I could find wanted to force this kind of "subdomain" or "sub-path". A lot of popular websites do work that way, for example Facebookā€˜s es-la.facebook.com and Wikipediaā€˜s es.wikipedia.org to view in (Latin American) Spanish, but some donā€˜t:

  • reddit.com and twitter.com donā€˜t seem to let me switch languages without signing in, but once I do they show my preferred language in-place
  • netflix.com immediately redirects me to a subpath like netflix.com/mx/ or /us-es/ if it detects Iā€˜m not in their target market (English speaker in the US)
  • youtube.com gives me a menu button to switch languages and shows whichever language I pick at the same "youtube.com" location
  • amazon.com and tiktok.com tack on a little signal at the end of the URL if I switch languages (like ?language=es_US or ?lang=en)

There are pros and cons to those different approaches, but TikTok or YouTube are closest to the behavior I wanted here.

Now hereā€˜s what changes it took me to get a passable basic implementation of that: dbarnett/mumindme_web@97e598f

The language picker is still ugly and most of the site isnā€˜t actually translated yet, but I definitely enjoyed the learning process of reinventing the wheel and successfully achieved most of what I wanted it to do:

  • Respects your standard preferences
  • Lets you pick a different language manually
  • Translates in-place, quickly and seamlessly
  • Remembers your manual selection as you navigate around
  • Tags other languages used in any untranslated parts of pages (per this recommendation)


It involved a little complexity getting this to work how I wanted, and I definitely could have done something simpler that wouldā€˜ve been plenty "good enough" for a personal website. Worrying about things like translations or accessibility at all is kinda weird and probably more trouble than itā€˜s worth. Most web browsers can just auto-translate websites nowadays anyway (and might even do a better job of it than Iā€˜ve done manually), but I wanted explicit translation support and wanted my Uniform Resource Locators to actually be "uniform" (where each logical page lives at exactly one address). Iā€˜ve seen enough apps/sites mess this up that I wanted to spend some time learning about the challenges and approaches.

Besides tiny personal sites, some sites like Wikipedia with lots of user-submitted content would have a messy time of trying to translate in-place like this. For example, the site knows that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peccary and https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tayassuidae are actually different translations of the same logical webpage, but thereā€˜s no good way they could share one simple URL representing both.

It can also get messy organizing translated versions of content. There are plenty of good solutions for managing translations of simple sentences and phrases (like the {msg} command in Closure Templates that I mostly rely on at work), but for entire pages of prose itā€˜s not so clear how to chunk the text down into pieces to be translated, when there are links and structure mixed in with the text.


I still want to do a bunch of cleanup on the translation handling and polish up the language picker widget.

Especially where Iā€™m managing the blog post content in Markdown, I need to figure out a decent way to provide translations for those, or at least to get out of the browserā€™s way for it to offer its own auto-translations for untranslated sections of the page.

I was also hoping to upgrade from my own one-off solution to some existing i18n tooling. Or maybe factor out my own tooling if I canā€™t find any existing solution that works quite how I want? I did find one called Ni18n (mentioned in https://iamsannyrai.medium.com/i18n-in-next-js-without-sub-path-or-domain-routing-2443c1a349c6) that looks like it might be pretty close to the functionality I was looking for.

Those and I dumped a list of various other improvement ideas to look into eventually.

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